A mobile phone shell producer ordered 10 units of

€ 00,000.00
3W5W UV lasers marking on iPhone 12 mobile phone shell
Laser marking with 3W UV laser on iPhone 12 mobile phone shell
A mobile phone shell producer ordered 10 units of 3W5W UV lasers
Yesterday, Mr. Li, who is a mobile phone shell producer, ordered 10 units of 3W5W UV laser for laser marking patterns on the mobile phone shells.
How to guarantee the patterns on the mobile phone shells are still lasting without being vague as time goes by after long time using? Which marking machine is an ideal option? According to the market research, many mobile phone shell producers choose UV laser marking machine whose core component is UV laser. When it comes to UV laser, 355 series UV laser of RFH which is a famous solid-state laser manufacturer could be your ideal choice.
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A mobile phone shell producer ordered 10 units of
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