Epson Printer Head

Apr 09, 2023
EPSON PRINTER HEAD L110 L130 L120 L300 L310 L210 L220 L350 L360 L385

When considering what printer to purchase, understanding what sort of printhead is utilized can assist you to create an educated choice. There are two fundamental sorts of printhead innovation, utilizing either warm or a Piezo component. All Epson printers use a Piezo component as we think it offers the leading execution.

Having made its worldwide make a big appearance in 1993, Small scale Piezo innovation has not as it were been at the cutting edge of Epson inkjet printhead headway, but has laid down the gauntlet to all the other big names within the print industry. Interesting to Epson, Miniaturized scale Piezo gives wonderful print quality and may be a innovation that our competitors still discover difficult to coordinate.

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